A state DGP’s Dejavu daughter goes missing as predicted by a crime novelist in his story. An undercover cop comes in to unravel the mystery. A novelist, Subramani goes to a police station while very drunk to make a complaint that he has been receiving harassing calls.
He claims that the fictional characters that he has written about have come to life and are now threatening him. The police do not take believe him. A woman calls the police to that Subramani was involved in her kidnapping, causing the police to arrest him. The police chief’s daughter also goes missing, and she appoints special officer Vikram Kumar to investigate.
A state DGP’s daughter goes missing as predicted by a crime novelist in his story. An undercover cop comes in to unravel the mystery. A novelist, Subramani goes to a police station while very drunk to make a complaint that he has been receiving harassing calls.
He claims that the fictional characters that he has written about have come to life and are now threatening him. The police do not take believe him. A woman calls the police to that Subramani was involved in her kidnapping, causing the Dejavu police to arrest him. The police chief’s daughter also goes missing, and she appoints special officer Vikram Kumar to investigate.
A state DGP’s daughter goes missing as predicted by a crime novelist in his story. An undercover cop comes in to unravel the mystery. A novelist, Subramani goes to a police station while very drunk to make a complaint that he has been receiving harassing calls.
He claims that the fictional characters that he has written about have come to life and are now threatening him. The police do not take believe him. A woman calls the police to that Subramani was involved in her kidnapping, causing the Dejavu police to arrest him. The police chief’s daughter also goes missing, and she appoints special officer Vikram Kumar to investigate.
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