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Bodhon (2022) S01

Bodhon (2022) S01

Sep. 30, 2022
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When second-year Bodhon college student Shinjini gets raped, her professor, Raka Sen, emerges as the only ray of hope at a bleak time. Bodhon is the story of one woman standing up for another woman in a society where a woman is always at fault.

When second-year college student Shinjini gets raped, her professor, Raka Sen, emerges as the only ray of hope at a bleak time. Bodhon is the story of one woman standing up for another woman in a society where a woman is always at fault.Bodhon focuses on good-girl Shinjini’s life being turned upside down and social justice warrior Raka’s need to prove a point and get justice served against our victim-blaming society.Raka, however, comes off as rather intrusive and tone-deaf in her quest for said justice. There’s a limit to wanting justice as the third party in a situation, regardless of how that affects you. Taking decisions on behalf of the victim and their family, regardless of what they feel, is wrong and takes away the victim’s power.Bodhon Season 1 Download.

Either way, I can’t say that she has bad intentions behind what she is doing, so you can’t really blame her deeply. In spite of trying to make an impact with the storyline, it feels repetitive and stale. As I said, we just came out of another shockingly similar story a few weeks ago; it’s still fresh in our minds, and thus, this becomes stale.I also feel like Bodhon paints the bad people Bodhon as comically bad. I mean, don’t take me wrong, I believe people just bring out their worst sides when they hear the word rape, but the way those bad vibes are brought to light is sometimes hilariously silly. You don’t feel very scared or concerned, just really grimy and sometimes it’s all even unintentionally hilarious.

However, I do think the series does a good job at bringing about the problems and stigma that people face in the face of similar adversaries. It’s heartbreaking and infuriating, but at least there’s light at the end of the tunnel. More often than not, things don’t go as smoothly as they show in the show.

Original title Bodhon
Seasons 1

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